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What is Early Help?

Wandsworth's Early Help Service aims to support families where there may be potential issues arising, and help them to minimise these issues before they become more serious.

There is the 'universal' offer which is available to all families, whether involved in direct early help support or not. This includes information, advice and guidance on services and support for children, young people and families. These services, amongst many others, can be found on the Family Information Service website.

Then there is more 'targeted' work. Schools, children’s services and the health service offer a range of targeted services for children who need extra support. There are a range of services working within Wandsworth that provided support to families including mediation, mentoring, housing, job employment, debt support, SEND support services, children's centres, early education and childcare places team, community youth and playgroups. These services can support the individual child and the family. 

For information about the universal offer you can browse this Family Information Service website, or contact the Keep in Touch team on:
020 8871 7899

For more information about any targeted work, you can ask for consultation advice from the Early Help Team in MASH:
020 8871 6622

Please find more information about MASH and how to make a referral for targeted work.