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In response to COVID-19 the universal Health Visiting and School Nursing services have changed their offer in line with the NHSE and NHSI guidance.

The services are now offering:

  • All vulnerable (London Continuum of Need level 3 &4) families and young people a range of face to face and video calls or home visit depending on need
  • Vulnerable antenatal women will be contacted and offered either video, telephone or face to face
  • All of our new birth visits will be carried out by a range of video calls and face to face contacts depending on need
  • 6-8 week maternal mood assessments will be carried out by phone or video call
  • Red accident and emergency attendances will be followed up

From the 1st April 2020 the health visiting and school nursing services will be offering a 7 day a week 9am-5pm duty line for parents and young people to call for support and advice.  The duty line will be staffed by an administrator, Health Visitor and School Nurse. Please see this leaflet for more information.
The duty number for Wandsworth is: 0330 058 1679
And the email address is:


The Health Visiting Service promotes and supports the health and well-being of all babies and children under 5 and provides support for their parents and carers. The service provides support to families within the home, within Children Centre’s and within health clinics. Well baby clinics can be accessed in all localities. The health visiting teams also run postnatal breastfeeding clinics to support mothers and infants.

The team includes health visitors, staff nurses, nursery nurses and team administrators. The teams work alongside a range of professionals and support services to provide families with evidence based support to ensure the best outcomes for children.

Find your local:

Breastfeeding Support Group

Well Baby Clinic

Children's Centre