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There are a variety of sources from whom you should expect help with Preparing for Adulthood, which you and your family should be thinking and planning for from when you are 14, if not long before.  It is important that you and your family and wider circle of support consider, discuss and understand what your ideas and aspirations are for your adult life from when you are very young. 

Staff at School  Your teachers should talk to you about your aspirations and goals, especially when you are choosing courses at school. What would you like to do? Which courses will help you achieve your goals?

Leaving school/going to college/starting work/finding an apprenticeship, supported internship or setting up your own business.

Adult Social Care has information about services for young people and adults. It can help to guide you through the many services available to those people eligible for formal help from Adult Social Services and for those who are not.

Preparing for Adulthood Service supports young people eligible for Adult social care through the transition years. They work alongside a person’s network to help them achieve their preparing for adulthood goals.

Voluntary Sector Organisations.

SEND in Mind support for families with children 0-19 years

Wandsworth Information Advice and Support Service (WIASS) (up to 25s) 

Disability and Social Care Advice Service (DASCAS)  help with benefits, entitlements and support.

Disabled People - GOV.UK  Information on disability benefits

National Development Team for Inclusion  - Support Advice Resources & Tools

Health Services

As you turn 18 it is possible that your GP (Doctor) may need to become much more involved in your care and support.  If you need ongoing medical support to achieve your goals it is worth discussing this with your GP well before your 18th birthday, as they may need to make referrals to community health services in advance.